Posts filed under: Career

Calling is overrated. Curiosity is underrated.

“Calling is overrated and curiosity is underrated.” Agree or disagree? I’m curious if this is a controversial statement. Listening to Rob Bell, an author, speaker and spiritual leader I’ve admired for years, on a podcast recently, these words really stuck […]

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7 Tricks to Tackle The Resistance

In Poke the Box, Seth Godin calls it the Lizard Brain. In The War of Art, Steven Pressfield calls it the Resistance. Whatever it really is, this invisible enemy is nothing if not a strong force. It’s a brick wall […]

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Are We Addicted to Multitasking?

Are we addicted to multitasking? Does it hurt productivity, or help it? How does it affect our work, and our brains? And despite all the research, is it something we can give up in the realities of today’s workplace?

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1001 Days of Twitter

Dear Twitter, It’s been 1001 days since we made it official. So today, in honor of our 1001th day together, it being Valentine’s week and all, I wanted to share my thoughts about our relationship. For the record, I resisted […]

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5 Can’t-Miss Tips (and Tools) for Connecting at Conferences

5 Tips and Tools to help balance the pressures of digital with the opportunities of in-person at conferences.

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Meaning, Measurement & Numbers: Twitter’s Follower Bug & the Value of Social Networks

Would social media be better without public numbers? Today’s follower bug on Twitter has stirred up questions again about the value of perceived personal and organizational social capital of social media sites that make front and central the numbers of […]

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Edit (And the Danger of First-Draft Living)

This weekend, in a bout of spring cleaning, I attacked the living room with a wild abandon, taking bric-a-brac and hastily displayed household items like candles off shelves to dust. I tossed books onto the dining table and unwound picture […]

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