“Calling is overrated and curiosity is underrated.”

Agree or disagree? I’m curious if this is a controversial statement. Listening to Rob Bell, an author, speaker and spiritual leader I’ve admired for years, on a podcast recently, these words really stuck with me.

He said: “What everybody wants at the beginning, at the end of the day, is a sense of wonder and awe about your own existence. Curiosity says: what is in me that I’m here to do that if I don’t do it, I’ll spontaneously combust?

And that’s where the joy is. The honor and privilege and the sacred act of just doing that thing.”

How often do we have the privilege to follow wonder and curiosity in our lives?

How can we arrange and architect our coming and going lives to intentionally create space, develop practices, and strive daily to follow our curiosity where it will lead?

It’s a question I don’t have all the answers to, and may never totally figure out.

But I think it’s a question worth asking! So I’ll ask you:

? What’s one small change you can make today to create space for curiosity?