Posts tagged with: Writing

57 Power Words for Writing Brilliant Headlines

Whether you’re a new blogger just developing your niche or a seasoned writer developing your next great post, finding just the right headline can be just the inspiration you need. Plus, a great headline can mean the difference between a […]

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Say it Anyway

Sometimes, nothing’s what you want to say. I’m sitting here now, listening to hail tap onto concrete outside, to thunder passing into the distance, as the rain fades, wondering why that worries me. Growing up, I used to write. Was […]

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It’s Never Too Late (Or, It’s Always Too Late, So Stop Worrying About it Already)

Here’s the thing: That guy over there already wrote the post you were thinking about. Someone applied for that job, registered that domain, reached out to that influencer, entered that contest, landed that client, invented that product, wrote that book. […]

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To Knol or Not to Knol?

That is the question of the day, isn’t it? With so much talk about whether or not this new service is the Wikipedia-killer or a threat to Squidoo, thought-leaders (and potential experts) everywhere have to be turning that question over […]

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