Posts filed under: Career

Where’s the Line? Professional Gets Personal for Women

In the world of personal branding, the emphasis on branding your name is understandably strong. One of the first steps to branding yourself online is always to snag your name’s URL – or the closest substitute you can find. To […]

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The Trouble With Paying Dues

“It’s going to be at least a year, isn’t it?” His eyes are full of impatience, frustration, and maybe even a dose of fear. After all, it was just a year ago that he was spending every waking moment of […]

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What the Personal Branding Debate Can Teach Us about PR, Social Media & Ourselves

Every once in a while, I see some form of this debate roll around the social media sphere. It’s an interesting debate, carried through scholarly literature to the blogosphere to conversations I come across on Twitter. The other night, I […]

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What Defines You

A lot of things in life can define us. How we spend our time, the things we do for a living, who we surround ourselves with, our realized and unrealized dreams I’ve been thinking a lot lately about exactly what […]

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Say it Anyway

Sometimes, nothing’s what you want to say. I’m sitting here now, listening to hail tap onto concrete outside, to thunder passing into the distance, as the rain fades, wondering why that worries me. Growing up, I used to write. Was […]

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It’s Never Too Late (Or, It’s Always Too Late, So Stop Worrying About it Already)

Here’s the thing: That guy over there already wrote the post you were thinking about. Someone applied for that job, registered that domain, reached out to that influencer, entered that contest, landed that client, invented that product, wrote that book. […]

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One thing.

How do you start your day? Looking at your to-do list? Doing little things to get them out of the way? Wishing you’d gotten more done the day before? What if, every day, instead of that, you asked yourself a […]

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