It’s not exactly rocket science. In fact, you’ve heard it time and time again. So have I. So, there’s no buried lead here. The secret, plain and simple, to winning your creative battles is pushing past “it.”

Maybe “it’s” familiar excuses. Like lack of tme, money, access, direction, inspiration.
Maybe “it’s” the unexpected loss of a loved one.
Maybe “it’s” added stress.
Maybe “it’s” loss of focus.
Maybe “it’s” fear. An illness. Office politics. The economy. Uncertainty. Perfectionism.

Whether internal battles or external battles, the solution is the same.

First, simply, you must move. Go. Act. Push. Innovate. Create.

So, if it’s that simple, why haven’t you done it already?

Unpacking Your Creative Baggage

I’m not sure how the term “baggage” became a negative metaphor for the things that weigh us down or keep us from moving in life, because really, what we’re talking about here is, plain and simple, life itself. The things that happen to us, the circumstances of our reality, our memories, our experiences, our family, our mistakes, our commitments.

But I do know that for the past few months, I’ve been taking things, circumstances of my life, packing them up, and letting them weigh me down creatively. And there it is: Baggage. “It.” Real, difficult, painful, frustrating, heavy life.

But today, I’m done with that. I’m unpacking that baggage right now, taking each piece out one by one to see it for what it truly is.

Instead of letting it weigh me down, I’m releasing it so that it can build me up creatively.

That’s the funny thing about creative baggage. The same source of obstacle can be a source of celebration, reflection, insight, creativity itself.

The Paradox of Time

It’s a simple secret. An easy answer.

But never confuse simple with easy. Or quick. Or effortless. After all, we call it a secret because it’s something we discover. Sometimes, winning creative battles takes time. Time and a lot of seeking. Time to reflect, heal, accept, investigate, relax, meditate, escape. Time to gain clarity and understanding.

The funny thing is, the sooner you give yourself permission to take your time, to put on the breaks, to examine your inner life, the sooner you reach the answer, and the clearer it becomes.

“Resistance has no strength of its own. Every ounce of juice it possesses comes from us. We feed it with power by our fear of it. Master that fear and we conqueror Resistance.”
— The War of Art, Steven Pressfield